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Wilder LD. 2003 NIH Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Observance. 2003.
Curtis JL. Affirmative Action in Medicine: Improving Health Care for Everyone. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2003.
Spangenburg R, Moser D. African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention. New York, NY: Facts On File; 2003.
Wilkie LA. The Archaeology of Mothering: An African-American Midwife's Tale. New York: Routledge; 2003.
Ward TJ. Black Physicians in the Jim Crow South. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press; 2003.
Stanford AF. Bodies in a Broken World: Women Novelists of Color and the Politics of Medicine. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press; 2003.
Haynes RL, Rashad P. Bringin' in Da Spirit. 2003.
Closing the Gap: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. Washington, D.C: Alliance for Health Reform; 2003.
Mainous AG. Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease in Rural African Americans. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Rural Health Research Center; 2003.
Green HG. East Texas Daughter. Fort Worth, Tex: TCU Press; 2003.
Freeman R. Eliminating Health Disparities a Satellite Broadcast for Outreach Workers. 2003.
Kittles R, Royal C. The Genetics of African Americans: Implications for Disease, Gene Mapping, and Identity. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2003.
Reynolds PP. Guide to Resources and the National Library of Medicine's Collection on African Americans in Medicine. 2nd ednd ed. [Bethesda, Md: National Library of Medicine; 2003.
Patterson A. The Health of Southern Blacks, 1890-1930s. 2003;:2.
How Do Patterns of Prescription Drug Coverage and Use Differ for White, African American, and Latino Medicare Beneficiaries Under 65 and 65+?. Menlo Park, Calif.: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; 2003.
Hayden RC. Mr. Harlem Hospital: Dr. Louis T. Wright: A Biography. Littleton, MA: Tapestry Press; 2003.
Herman AM, . NIH 2003 African American History Month Observance. 2003.
Outstanding African-American Nurses in Alabama, 1963-2003: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement. Birmingham, Ala: Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing, Gamma Eta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, Samford University; 2003.
A Provider's Handbook on Culturally Competent Care: African American Population. 2nd ednd ed. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente; 2003.
Bradby H. Racism, Ethnicity, Biology, and Society. London ; New York: Nature Pub. Group; 2003.
Sugarman J. Reality Strikes: Thinking About the Ethics of Inclusion in Clinical Research. [Bethesda, Md: National Institutes of Health, Office of Research on Women's Health; 2003.
Wailoo K. The Strange Career of Race and Cancer in 20th Century America. 2003;
Humphreys M. Whose Body? Which Disease?: Studying Malaria While Treating Neurosyphilis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2003.
Nelson J. Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement. New York: New York University Press; 2003.
Height DI. 2004 NIH Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Observance. 2004.
Nercessian NN. Against All Odds: The Legacy of Students of African Descent at Harvard Medical School Before Affirmative Action, 1850-1968. Boston: Harvard Medical School; 2004.
Dula A. Bioethics: African-American Perspectives. New York: Macmillan Reference USA; 2004.
Washington HA. Born for Evil?: Stereotyping the Karyotype: A Case History in the Genetics of Aggressiveness. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag; 2004.
Hine DC. The Corporeal and Ocular Veil: Dr. Matilda A. Evans (1872-1935) and Complexity of Southern History [Internet]. The Journal of Southern History 2004;70(1 ):3-34.Available from:
Long MG. Doctoring Freedom: The Politics of African-American Medical Care, 1840-1910. 2004;:317.
Clinton C. Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom [Internet]. Little Brown & Company; 2004.Available from:
Hogan VK, Jenkins B, , . Health Disparities Why We Need New Approaches. 2004.
Livingston IL. Praeger Handbook of Black American Health: Policies and Issues Behind Disparities in Health. 2nd ednd ed. Westport, Conn: Praeger; 2004.
Jenkins B, Jones C, Blumenthal DS. Public Health Ethics and Community-Based Research: Lessons from the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. New York, NY: Springer Pub; 2004.
Reynolds PP, Lindberg DAB. Racially Integrating America's Hospitals NIH and the Medicare Hospital Certification Program. 2004.
Lester R, Farmer F, Simmons AW. Records of the Freedmen's Hospital, 1872-1910 Correspondence and Memoranda. Bethesda, MD: UPA collection from LexisNexis; 2004.
Hamby EB. The Roots of Healing: Archaeological and Historical Investigations of African-American Herbal Medicine. 2004;:177.
Caporaso N, . Traco. 2004.
Visible Differences: Improving the Oral Health of African American Males. Washington, DC: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies; 2004.
Katz PR, Mezey MD, Kapp MB. Vulnerable Populations in the Long Term Care Continuum. New York, NY: Springer Pub. Co; 2004.
Troesken W. Water, Race, and Disease. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press; 2004.
