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William Wells Brown [Internet]. 2014;Available from:
Beatty WK. Williams, Daniel Hale. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Manning KR. Williams, Joseph Leroy. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Hawks EH, Schwartz G. A Woman Doctor's Civil War: Esther Hill Hawks' Diary. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press; 1989.
Royster JJ. Women as Healers: A Noble Tradition. Atlanta, Ga: Women's Research and Resource Center, Spelman College; 1983.
Vigen AM. Women, Ethics, and Inequality in U.S. Healthcare: "to Count Among the Living". 1st edst ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2006.
Nelson J. Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement. New York: New York University Press; 2003.
Chung K-T. Women Pioneers of Medical Research: Biographies of 25 Outstanding Scientists. In: Women Pioneer in Medical Research . 2010
Seacole M. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands [Internet]. pubOne.Info; 2010.Available from:\_kC
Fett SM. Working Cures: Healing, Health, and Power on Southern Slave Plantations [Internet]. University of North Carolina Press; 2002.Available from:
Fett SM. Working Cures: Healing, Health, and Power on Southern Slave Plantations. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press; 2002.
Thomas KK. The Wound of My People: Segregation and the Modernization of Health Care in North Carolina, 1935-1975. 1999;:271.
