
This section contains a comprehensive list of books, articles, and other resources, with links to Google scholar and specially created reviews by historians and scholars. These items are linked to the Courses.

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Newby DM. Abbott, Anderson Ruffin. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Newby DM. Shadd, Furman Jeremiah. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Newby DM. Purvis, Charles Burleigh. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Newby D. Augusta, Alexander Thomas. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Newmark JL. Binding Wounds, Pushing Boundaries African Americans in Civil War Medicine. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services; 2010.
Nickens H. The Genome Project and Health Services for Minority Populations. Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press; 1996.
Noll JE. Company of Prophets: African American Psychics, Healers, and Visionaries. 1st edst ed. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A: Llewellyn Publications; 1991.
Nursing NLeague for. Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN [Internet]. 2016;Available from:'s-who-at-the-nln/management-team-bios/beverly-malone
Parker S, Kleiner RJ. Mental Illness in the Urban Negro Community [by] Seymour Parker [and] Robert J. Kleiner. New York: Free Press; 1966.
Pathman DE, Konrad TR, Schwartz R. The Proximity of Rural African American and Hispanic/Latino Communities to Physicians and Hospital Services. Chapel Hill, N.C: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center : Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2001.
Patterson L. An Introduction to Black Literature in America: From 1746 to the Present. Rev. ed. Cornwells Heights, Pa: Publishers Agency : under the auspices of the Assn. for the Study of Afro-American Life and History; 1976.
Patterson A. The Health of Southern Blacks, 1890-1930s. 2003;:2.
Paul J. State Eugenic Sterilization History: A Brief Overview. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas; 1973.
Pearson H. Under the Knife: How a Wealthy Negro Surgeon Wielded Power in the Jim Crow South. New York: Free Press; 2000.
Pearson R. Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe. Washington, D.C: Scott-Townsend Publishers; 1991.
Pellegrino ED. The Problems and Necessity of Transcultural Dialogue. Washington: Georgetown University Press; 1992.
Pernick MS. A Calculus of Suffering: Pain, Professionalism, and Anesthesia in Nineteenth-Century America. New York: Columbia University Press; 1985.
Pitrone JM. Trailblazer: Negro Nurse in the American Red Cross [Internet]. Harcourt, Brace & World; 1969.Available from:
Ploski HA, Marr W. The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro-American: 1776 Bicentennial Edition 1976. 3d edrd ed. New York: Bellwether; 1976.
Ploski HA, Marr W. The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro-American: 1776 Bicentennial Edition 1976. 3d edrd ed. New York: Bellwether; 1976.
Poirier S. Chicago's War on Syphilis, 1937-40: The Times, the Trib, and the Clap Doctor: With an Epilogue on Issues and Attitudes in the Time of AIDS. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; 1995.
Porter DB. The Negro in the United States; a Selected Bibliography. Washington: Library of Congress; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off.]; 1970.
Porter DB. Sarah Parker Remond. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap-Harvard Univ. Press; 1971.
Postell WD. The Health of Slaves on Southern Plantations [Internet]. Louisiana State University Press; 1951.Available from:
Poston M, Morris GS. Marvin Poston: Making Opportunities in Vision Care. Berkeley, Calif: Regents of the University of California; 1989.
Powell GJ. Black Monday's Children; a Study of the Effects of School Desegregation on Self-Concepts of Southern Children [by] Gloria J. Powell, with the Assistance of Marielle Fuller. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1973.
Prograis L, Pellegrino ED. African American Bioethics: Culture, Race, and Identity. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press; 2007.
Prudhomme C, Musto DF. Historical Perspectives on Mental Health and Racism in the United States. [Pittsburgh] Univ. of Pittsburgh Press: 1973.
Puryear P. The Status of Blacks and Minorities in Virginia, 1960-1990: Population Trends and Health. Charlottesville, VA: Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia; 1994.
Quarles B. The Negro in the American Revolution. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press; 1961.
Quaye R. African Americans' Health Care Practices, Perspectives, and Needs. Lanham, Md: University Press of America; 2005.
