
This section contains a comprehensive list of books, articles, and other resources, with links to Google scholar and specially created reviews by historians and scholars. These items are linked to the Courses.

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Cross WE. Shades of Black Diversity in African-American Identity. 1994.
Smith SL. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women and the National Negro Health Movement, 1915-1950. 1991.
Smith SL. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women's Health Activism in America, 1890-1950. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; 1995.
Wilson JJ. Sickness, Health, and the Politics of Well Being in Harlem, New York, During the Interwar Period. 2005;:241.
Cobb WM. Simeon Lewis Carson. 1977.
LaVeist TA, . The Skin You're in Making Progress in Eliminating Health Inequalities. 2011.
Cody CA. Slave Demography and Family Formations: A Community Study of the Ball Family Plantations, 1720-1896. [Minneapolis?: s.n.]; 1982.
Savitt TL. Slave Health and Southern Distinctiveness. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press; 1988.
Bankole KK. Slavery and Medicine: Enslavement and Medical Practices in Antebellum Louisiana [Internet]. Garland Pub.; 1998.Available from:
Bankole KK. Slavery and Medicine: Enslavement and Medical Practices in Antebellum Louisiana. New York: Garland Pub; 1998.
Duffy J. Slavery and Slave Health in Louisiana: 1766-1825. [New Orleans: Tulane University; 1967.
The Social and Economic Status of the Black Population in the United States: An Historical View, 1790-1978. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census ; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O; 1979.
McKissack PC, McKissack F. Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman? [Internet]. Turtleback Books; 1994.Available from:
Cameron S, Falk LA. Some Black Medical History: Dr. Martin R. Delany's Canadian Years as Medical Practitioner and Abolitionist (1856-1864). Québec: 1977.
Bessent H, . The Soul of Leadership: Journeys in Leadership and Achievement with Distinguished African American Nurses. New York, NY: National League for Nursing; 2008.
Hannerz U. Soulside: Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community. New York, London: Columbia Univ. Press; 1969.
Savitt TL. Sound Minds and Sound Bodies: The Diseases and Health Care of Blacks in Ante-Bellum Virginia. Charlottesville: Corcoran Dept. of History, Univ. of Virginia; 1975.
Wood PH. "The Soveraign Ray of Health.". New York: Knopf; 1974.
A Spark- A Flame- A Beacon Light, The Holy Family Hospital. JNMA 1963;55:86-92.
Holt TC, Smith-Parker C, Terborg-Penn R. A Special Mission: The Story of Freedmen's Hospital, 1862-1962. Washington, D.C: Howard University; 1975.
Rawlins JA. Special Orders. Extract. [Young's Point, La: Dept. of the Tennessee; 1863.
Johnson CW. The Spirit of a Place Called Meharry: The Strength of Its Past to Shape the Future. Franklin, Tenn: Hillsboro Press; 2000.
St. Louis PHS Hospital, Missouri. 196AD;
LeHardy WM, Gentry PJ. Standing in the Safety Zone Baltimore Remembers the 1918 Flu Epidemic. 1998.
Standing in the Safety Zone Baltimore Remembers the 1918 Flu Epidemic. Baltimore, Md.?: Health Care Financing Administration; 1999.
Paul J. State Eugenic Sterilization History: A Brief Overview. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas; 1973.
Malzberg B. Statistical Data for the Study of Mental Disease Among Negroes in New York State, 1949-1951. Albany: 1959.
Malzberg B. Statistical Data for the Study of Mental Disease Among Negroes in New York State, 1939-1941. Albany: 1955.
Horton C, Smith JC. Statistical Record of Black America. Detroit: Gale Research; 1990.
Statistical Record of Black America. Detroit: Gale Research; 1990.
Puryear P. The Status of Blacks and Minorities in Virginia, 1960-1990: Population Trends and Health. Charlottesville, VA: Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia; 1994.
Status of Dental Health in the Black Community: Final Report, National Dental Association "Charet", July 1972, New Orleans: Presented to National Health Service Corps. [s.l: s.n; 1972.
Alcena V. The Status of Health of Blacks in the United States of America: A Precription for Improvement. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co; 1992.
The Status of the Black Elderly in the United States: A Report. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O; 1987.
Wailoo K. The Strange Career of Race and Cancer in 20th Century America. 2003;
Wesley N. Struggle for Survival: Black Community Hospitals, 1961-1988. [S.l: s.n; 1989.
Tilghman JSG. A Study of African American Lay Midwifery Experiences in Rural South Carolina, 1950-70. 2002;:152.
Fawcett J, McCorkle R. Successful Postdoctoral Research Training for African American Nurses. Washington, DC: American Academy of Nursing; 1995.
Summary Report and Recommendations of the National Minority Conference on Human Experimentation, 6-8 Jan 1976. [date unknown].
Thomas RK. Sumner, Francis Cecil. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Surgeon General David Satcher. 199AD;
A. Maynard deL. Surgeons to the Poor: the Harlem Hospital Story [Internet]. Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1978.Available from:
Davis AY, Allen-Castellito AL. Surrogates and Outcast Mothers: Racism and Reproductive Politics. Westport, CT: Praeger; 1994.
Johnson KA. The Survival of Traditional Healing in a Contemporary Black Community. 1999;:269.
Johnson KA. The Survival of Traditional Healing in a Contemporary Black Community. 1999;:269.
. Susceptible to Kindness Miss Evers' Boys and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 1994.
