
This section contains a comprehensive list of books, articles, and other resources, with links to Google scholar and specially created reviews by historians and scholars. These items are linked to the Courses.

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Editors Bcom. Alexa Canady Biography. In Press;
Harris AC. AIDS, Sexuality, and the Black Church: Making the Wounded Whole. New York: P. Lang; 2010.
Watson WH. Against the Odds: Blacks in the Profession of Medicine in the United States. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers; 1999.
Nercessian NN. Against All Odds: The Legacy of Students of African Descent at Harvard Medical School Before Affirmative Action, 1850-1968. Boston: Harvard Medical School; 2004.
Trott WC. An Afrocentric Analysis of the Transition and Transformation of African Medicine (root Medicine) as Spiritual Practice Among Gullah People of Lowcountry South Carolina. [date unknown];:165.
Wesley CH, Romero PW, Wesley CH. Afro-Americans in the Civil War: From Slavery to Citizenship. Rev. ed. Cornwells Heights, Pa: Publishers Agency : under the auspices of the Assn. for the Study of Afro-American Life and History; 1976.
Dummett CO, Dummett LD. Afro-Americans in Dentistry: Sequence and Consequence of Events. 1st edst ed. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press; 1978.
Afro-Americana, 1553-1906: A Catalog of the Holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 2nd, expanded ednd ed. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; 2008.
Fraser GJ. Afro-American Midwives, Biomedicine and the State: An Ethnohistorical Account of Birth and Its Transformation in Rural Virginia. 1988.
Rodrique JM. The Afro-American Community and the Birth Control Movement, 1918-1942. 1991.
Rankin-Hill LM. Afro-American Biohistory: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations. 1990;:322.
Agwunobi JO. Africans in the America -- a Legacy of Hope, Service, and Leadership [Internet]. 2007.Available from:
Daniels DK. African-Americans at the Yale University School of Medicine 1810-1960. 1991;
Collins CF. African-American Women's Health and Social Issues. Westport, Conn: Auburn House; 1996.
Flack H, Pellegrino ED. African-American Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press; 1992.
Epps CH, Johnson DG, Vaughan AL. African-American medical pioneers [Internet]. Betz Pub. Co.; 1994.Available from:
Epps CH, Johnson DG, Vaughan AL. African-American Medical Pioneers. Rockville, Md: Betz Pub. Co; 1994.
McBride D. The African-American Medical Experience Perspectives and Prospects ; Part 2--Voting Rights Act. 1999.
ya Azibo DA. African Psychology in Historical Perspective and Related Commentary. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press; 1996.
Kiple KF. The African Exchange: Toward a Biological History of Black People. Durham: Duke University Press; 1987.
Baer HA, Jones Y. African Americans in the South: Issues of Race, Class, and Gender. Athens: University of Georgia Press; 1992.
Spangenburg R, Moser D. African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention. New York, NY: Facts On File; 2003.
Quaye R. African Americans' Health Care Practices, Perspectives, and Needs. Lanham, Md: University Press of America; 2005.
Hart J. African Americans, Health Care, and the Reproductive Freedom Movement in Detroit, 1918-1945. 1999;:312.
Collins CF. African American Women's Health and Social Issues. 2nd ednd ed. Westport, Conn: Praeger; 2006.
Hammond PV. African American Voices: Reflecting, Reforming, Reframing. New York, NY: National League for Nursing; 2009.
Covey HC. African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treatments. Lanham: Lexington Books; 2007.
African American Roots Explore New Worlds Pre-Columbus to the Space Age. 1993;
Spratlen LP. African American Registered Nurses in Seattle: The Struggle for Opportunity and Success. Seattle, Wash: Peanut Butter Pub; 2001.
Fraser GJ. African American Midwifery in the South: Dialogues of Birth, Race, and Memory. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press; 1998.
Gates HL. African American Lives 2 [Internet]. 2008.Available from:
Gates HL. African American Lives [Internet]. 2006.Available from:
Bryant JH, . African American History Month. 2010.
The African American Great Migration [Internet]. 1998;Available from:
Mitchem SY. African American Folk Healing. New York: New York University Press; 2007.
Webster RB. African American Firsts in Science & Technology. Detroit: Gale Group; 1999.
Prograis L, Pellegrino ED. African American Bioethics: Culture, Race, and Identity. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press; 2007.
Bailey EJ. African American Alternative Medicine: Using Alternative Medicine to Prevent and Control Chronic Diseases. Westport, Conn: Bergin & Garvey; 2002.
Branson H. Africa, African-Americans, and the Origin of a Universal Ethic. Washington: Georgetown University Press; 1992.
Curtis JL. Affirmative Action in Medicine: Improving Health Care for Everyone. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2003.
. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report. Washington, D.C: The Committee ; Available from Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O; 1995.
Eve PF. Address Delivered at the Medical College of Georgia: On Opening the Course of Lectures, 17th October, 1837. Augusta, Ga: Printed by Guien & Thompson; 1838.
Rudavsky S. Adams, Numa Pompilius Garfield. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
Staupers MK. Adah B. Samuels Thoms. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap-Harvard Univ. Press; 1971.
Hornblum AM. Acres of Skin: Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison: A True Story of Abuse and Exploitation in the Name of Medical Science. New York: Routledge; 1998.
Lillie-Blanton MD, Leigh W, Alfaro-Correa AI. Achieving Equitable Access: Studies of Health Care Affecting Hispanics and African Americans. Washington, D.C. : Lanham, MD: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies ; Distributed by arrangement with University Press of America; 1996.
McCray SD. Account: To Mary Oliver for Slave Medical Services. [date unknown];:1.
Savitt TL. Abraham Flexner and the Black Medical Schools. New York ; Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press; 1992.
The ABNF Journal: Official Journal of the Association of Black Nursing Faculty in Higher Education, Inc. Lisle, IL: Tucker Publications, Inc; [date unknown].
Newby DM. Abbott, Anderson Ruffin. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999.
