Description and Context
Lincoln Hospital of Durham, North Carolina, attracted well-trained African American physicians. By the late 1930s there were nearly twenty black physicians on the regular medical staff. These physicians worked together with white physicians from Watts Hospital and Duke Hospital who often served as part-time and consultant physicians in the care of patients and training of interns and residents. Pictured in this c 1938 photograph are, from left to right: (front row): Dr. E.P. Norris, Dr. R.P. Randolph, Dr. J.O. Plummer, Dr. J.W.V. Cordice; (second row) Dr. Ezra Turner, Dr. J.S. Thompson; (third row) intern, intern, Dr. J.N.B. Mills, Dr. Norman Cordice, intern, and Dr. J.M. Hubbard; (fourth row) Dr. A.S. Hunter, intern, Dr. S.L. Warren, Dr. W.A. Cleland